2008/06/16 | 浏览器+播放器:Songbird 0.6 正式版发布
类别(网络风) | 评论(2) | 阅读(32) | 发表于 00:04
Songbird 一款集浏览器为一体的播放器,有 Windows、Linux、Mac 相应的版本。Songbird 很 iTunes 的风格,但并不是一成不变地照抄 iTunes ,Songbird 对歌曲优秀的管理功能是它的最大的一个亮点,如果你有一个庞大的媒体库,用 Songbird 你可以很快地找到你想要播放的歌。Songbird 支持多个国家的语言,在 Linux 中安装使用也相当简单方便。官方还提供了一个庞大的插件库和皮肤库,你可以很轻松地打造一个十分个性化的播放器。

这就是 Songbird 播放器默认的主界面


用 Songbird 浏览网页


我才一开始用 Ubuntu 就开始使用这个款浏览器了,每次一版的升级都带来了很多有用的新特性,而且对老版的功能进一步完善。下面就看看 Songbird 0.6 带来的变化吧。

Songbird 0.6 正式版增强的特性:
Large Libraries 更大的媒体库的支持

Songbird can now easily handle libraries with 10,000+ tracks.



Smooth Scrolling滚动时更平滑

Once the metadata scanner is done, scrolling in a large library is smooth and responsive.




Fast Filters更强的过滤功能

Filtering by genre, artist, album, and year is almost instantaneous.




Speedier Search搜索速度更快

No long lags or locked up UI when searching your Library.




Memory Management改善内存管理

On Windows and Linux we implemented jemalloc as our memory allocator for XULRunner and have noticed approximately 15-20% memory reduction in common user tasks.


Songbird 0.6 新的特性:
Metadata ManagerID3 标签信息改写

We have a new Metadata Editor that allows you to edit your media and write the changes back to your file(s). You can read a bit more about it here.


More MTP支持 MTP 设备同步

On Windows, MTP Devices now support Sync functionality!



iPod Support改善对 IPod 的支持

The iPod add-on has been rewritten and a number of bugs have been squashed. We have also started maintaining a new wiki page that details what iPod models we support.


Edit Menu编辑菜单

Copy, paste, select all, undo, redo, delete and find text to your heart’s content.



Webpage Find查找网页中的文本

A number of users asked for a way to easily search for text within a webpage, now you can!



Bitrate Sorting按比特率和采样率筛选/排序

Now you can easily sort and filter your library by sound quality.



Clean View Menu更简洁的视图菜单

It’s easier to switch feathers and show/hide display panes than ever before.



SHOUTcast RadioSHOUTcast 电台

Easily discover and stream


下载 Songbird 0.6

Songbird_0.6_linux-i686.tar.gz (23.9MB)
Songbird 0.6 for Windows XP/Vista (14.2MB)


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