2007/12/24 | Safari 3.0.5 (525.3) + 汉化补丁
类别(网络风) | 评论(0) | 阅读(219) | 发表于 08:42


使用方法: 下载解压后首先运行 SafariSetup 目录中的 Safari.msi 安装原版程序, 完成后不要运行, 进入安装位置删掉整个 Safari 文件夹, 再用下载得到的 SafariPatch 目录中的 Safari 文件夹放到原位置.

美国时间 12 月 21 日被发布于 ADC.

之前说过不再汉化 Safari 而这次又重新做了是因为这真的是一个很和谐的版本. 中文方面已经比较好了, 而且之前版本中一些无法正常使用的功能也可以用了, 并且还增加了一些新东西, 整体稳定性也有很大的提升.

本人也是非常认认真真的对其进行了汉化, 从语言文件就可以看出来变化很多的. 不过既然是内测版, 当然还是会有一些小问题的. 下面是 Apple 官方更新日志:

 - Added support for window.showModalDialog
 - Focus is now put on the page for newly opened windows, instead of the address field
 - Autocomplete list for form controls no longer submit form when hitting enter to select item
 - Caps lock icon shows up in password fields
 - Safari application supports mail-link: urls, for Safari RSS' "Mail Link to This Page" action
 - window.resizeTo now restricts the resized window to the size of the screen
 - Safari obeys "Never Accept" cookie policy, from preferences
 - Can now type in edit fields after printing a page via context menu
 - Maximized window no longer intrudes on 2nd monitor
 - Back button is now enabled even if page navigation hasn't completed 
 - Pressing Enter on selected buttons fires onClick
 - "Open in New Tab/Window" options implemented in context menu, for selected URL text
 - Help buttons in pop up window opens corresponding file when removing cookies
 - Dates on history menu are correct
 - Keyboard shortcuts work when modal dialog is displayed in another window
 - Safari alerts if attempted download does not have privileges to save into the chosen location
 - New window to be opened behind current one is not be drawn in front first
 - Keyboard accelerators now working in Print Preview window
 - Correct file extension suggested for saved image file (png)
 - Autofill preserves original case of characters typed
 - Can open local files when dragging them from localized desktop to address field on Russian system
 - Can now drag images out of browser directly to other apps
 - Accelerators are now working in current window if AB window for Autofill is open somewhere
 - Tabs are now repainted in minimized window after selecting "show Tab bar" in open window
 - Font Picker should is not listed in Safari History
 - Hang on specific gaming website now fixed 
 - "Would you like to save password" sheet does not disappear when new page in another tab is opened
 - Java 5 is now supported by Safari
 - Contents of Activity Window are sized to match window when first brought up
 - Fixed crash in Silverlight when opening a specific web page
 - SVG image support is turned on
 - Developer menu has been added with web developer specific options (enabled in preferences)
 - Crash fixed, when opening any FTP site in second tab/window
 - popup blocking is applied to plugins on Windows
 - "Include Develop menu" was changed to "Show Develop menu in menu bar" to match rest of OS




